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Contrasting Full Height Windows Shutters for Property in Bexley, Kent

We were contacted by the owner of this property in Bexley, Kent to install shutters throughout the property to add both style and practicality to the home. We surveyed the home and talked the client through all the styles, materials and options available and came up with a design.

Luke carried out this installation using our Antigua range which is created from entry level MDF, a nice material to use which is more cost effective for our customers than hardwood and is durable and very easy to maintain.

The shutters were made with mid rails two thirds of the way up to match the lines of the windows installed in the property. Because our shutters are bespoke made we can pick exactly where the lining goes on all the shutters to match with the rooms and property. This also makes the shutters more adjustable because of the split creating sections.

They decided to take advantage of our very popular hidden tilt rod system which allows for the louvres to be adjusted without any need for visible rods. The 76mm louvres were used which are our most popular size providing a perfect mix of lighting and privacy.

All shutters were finished in a lovely pure white finish with matching hinges, creating a contrasting look from outside of the property because of the black window frames, but also looking perfect from within the home because of the match with the décor.

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020 8776 1484